Saturday, October 10, 2009

Important Civil War Battle tour in Google Earth


  1. Victoria! I really like how your markers were easy to see and get too. Also I liked that there were so many things to look and learn at each location

  2. I really liked your use of overlays at the different locations. I felt that they added an extra element to the tour that will help the students really visualize what took place there, and how it relates to those locations today.

  3. I really enjoyed the video clips that went along with the tour of the specific places. The use of overlays was also very beneficial for students because it was an easy way for them to understand more information on the civil war battles.

  4. First of all I loved the flag markers! Perfect for the content :) Your tour was awesome. I really liked the overlay, and the videos and other things were a good way to enrich the students' understanding. I think you've got this integrating technology thing into the classroom down!!!

  5. Very interactive!! You used a lot of media--websites, videos, pictures...It all tied together really well. Very nice.

  6. Victoria,

    That was a kick butt tour! I LOVED your links to facts and outside text. The image overlay on the battle of Shiloh was similarly awesome. Way to go!

  7. Your tour is very focussed and I like the flags :) Lots of pictures too!
